How do I cancel my order?
Please note if your items have already been processed and dispatched, it is not possible to cancel the order and you will need to follow our returns process upon its receipt.
If you have a registered account and wish to cancel an order made with us that has not yet been processed, simply go into your 'Order history’ selecting the order you wish to cancel, then select the cancel order button. Please note that the complete order will need to be cancelled - if you wish to amend an order, please cancel the complete order and place a new order as required.
If you do not have a registered account and wish to cancel an order, please contact us at or DM us on Instagram and we will assist you further.
Please note that if the items are in stock, orders are processed straight away and dispatched by 3pm the same day. To avoid an order being dispatched it is important that you contact us as soon as possible.
If your items have already been processed and dispatched, it is not possible to cancel the order and you will need to follow our returns process upon its receipt.